Women's 50 Freestyle

2014 Pv Machine-York Dual Meet

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Swimmer Team Heat Lane Place Time
Rebecca Ryan Machine Aquatics 6 6 42 32.05
Mary-Kate Mahoney York Swim Club of Northern Vir 1 3 38 32.16
Rachel Lenard York Swim Club of Northern Vir 7 5 43 32.30
Zoe McMahon Machine Aquatics 3 4 39 32.34
Caelyn Les Machine Aquatics 1 5 40 32.40
Beverly Udegbe Machine Aquatics 5 4 44 32.51
Nathalie Schmanske Machine Aquatics 12 5 6 32.52
Isabella Diez York Swim Club of Northern Vir 4 1 45 32.70
Riley Beeman York Swim Club of Northern Vir 5 2 46 32.71
Teagan McCullough Machine Aquatics 11 6 7 32.74
Bailey Spinnenweber Machine Aquatics 6 5 47 32.78
Lindsey Kotarski York Swim Club of Northern Vir 6 4 48 32.88
Sheridan Crum Machine Aquatics 5 1 49 32.90
Emily Noone York Swim Club of Northern Vir 11 3 8 32.92
Sofia Sosa Machine Aquatics 1 1 9 32.95
Alexa Gyllensvaan Machine Aquatics 10 6 10 32.98
Jacqueline Young Machine Aquatics 11 2 11 33.06
Shenandoah Winn York Swim Club of Northern Vir 11 1 12 33.07
Erin Warner Machine Aquatics 12 6 13 33.13
Emma Flickinger Machine Aquatics 10 4 14 33.25
Caroline Burgeson York Swim Club of Northern Vir 9 4 15 33.32
Mary Isler Machine Aquatics 1 4 41 33.35
Ella Rigoli York Swim Club of Northern Vir 10 3 16 33.46
Alaina Cordts Machine Aquatics 6 1 50 33.61
Elinor Frothingham Machine Aquatics 4 5 51 33.66
Madeleine Williams York Swim Club of Northern Vir 1 4 17 33.66
Katherine Kane Machine Aquatics 11 5 17 33.67
Amanda Odom York Swim Club of Northern Vir 2 6 42 33.72
Erica Rice York Swim Club of Northern Vir 10 5 18 33.89
Caroline Rushforth Machine Aquatics 10 2 19 34.07
Josephine St. Claire York Swim Club of Northern Vir 2 5 43 34.21
Grace Games York Swim Club of Northern Vir 4 3 52 34.21
Katharine Frothingham Machine Aquatics 9 3 20 34.37
Abigail Yokoyama Machine Aquatics 4 6 53 34.61
Katelynn Waclawski Machine Aquatics 7 5 21 34.78
Cora Jackson Machine Aquatics 7 1 22 34.93
Margaret Shipman York Swim Club of Northern Vir 2 1 54 34.99
Bailey Kruse York Swim Club of Northern Vir 3 4 55 35.26
Olivia Krein Machine Aquatics 9 2 23 35.34
Dinah Cohen Machine Aquatics 7 6 24 35.59
Grace Jansen York Swim Club of Northern Vir 8 3 25 35.74
Emily Hunter York Swim Club of Northern Vir 1 2 56 35.75
Jennifer Coon York Swim Club of Northern Vir 1 2 44 35.76
Eden Larkin Machine Aquatics 2 3 57 35.92
Ella Reithinger York Swim Club of Northern Vir 9 1 26 35.98
Amelia Rewis Machine Aquatics 10 1 27 36.06
AnneMarie Trench Machine Aquatics 2 2 58 36.19
Morgan Exley Machine Aquatics 1 4 59 36.20
Kennedy Hayward Machine Aquatics 7 3 28 36.30
Lilly Allred Machine Aquatics 6 3 29 36.39
Anna Heninger Machine Aquatics 6 4 30 36.79
Charlotte Odom York Swim Club of Northern Vir 5 3 31 37.04
Arijana Reskusic York Swim Club of Northern Vir 2 4 60 37.14
Natalee Cannon York Swim Club of Northern Vir 6 1 32 37.17
Jacqueline Montenegro Machine Aquatics 8 5 33 37.25
Alison Miller Machine Aquatics 6 5 34 37.29
Kinsley Helmer York Swim Club of Northern Vir 3 2 61 37.34
Vivian Brezler Machine Aquatics 7 2 35 37.46
Catherine Birden Machine Aquatics 1 2 36 37.50
Gabrielle Stravinski Machine Aquatics 8 2 37 37.66
Anjali Krishnan Machine Aquatics 8 1 38 37.69
Nicole Schmanske Machine Aquatics 6 2 39 37.78
Casey Deege Machine Aquatics 2 5 62 37.85
Victoria Eachus Machine Aquatics 1 5 40 38.00
Elise Whang York Swim Club of Northern Vir 7 4 40 38.00
Hikari Torikai York Swim Club of Northern Vir 6 6 42 38.02
Elsa Leichty York Swim Club of Northern Vir 8 6 43 38.27
Meghan Finlay York Swim Club of Northern Vir 3 5 63 38.44
Katherine Moore Machine Aquatics 5 1 44 38.49
Molly Finlay York Swim Club of Northern Vir 9 6 45 38.71
Clare Hart York Swim Club of Northern Vir 3 1 64 38.86
Emily Nguyen Machine Aquatics 1 4 46 39.18
Katya Wolf York Swim Club of Northern Vir 3 6 65 39.36
Faith O'connor Machine Aquatics 3 6 47 39.54
Quinn Kirby Machine Aquatics 5 4 48 39.67
Lily Darcey York Swim Club of Northern Vir 4 1 49 39.83
Mary Coakley York Swim Club of Northern Vir 4 3 50 40.30
Alessandra DeGidio Machine Aquatics 5 5 51 40.38
Elena Benson York Swim Club of Northern Vir 3 5 52 40.95
Ella Stux Machine Aquatics 4 4 53 41.48
Cayly Timmins Machine Aquatics 4 2 54 41.84
Cassie Freedlander Machine Aquatics 4 6 55 42.97
Spencer Schwartz Machine Aquatics 5 2 56 43.85
Rachel Mahoney York Swim Club of Northern Vir 4 5 57 44.23
Anna Kruse York Swim Club of Northern Vir 3 3 58 45.12
Erin Irlan Machine Aquatics 2 4 59 46.24
Noemi Coudert York Swim Club of Northern Vir 5 6 60 46.97
Anika Gupta Machine Aquatics 2 6 61 47.60
Jamie Nguyen York Swim Club of Northern Vir 3 1 61 47.60
Caroline Martell Machine Aquatics 2 5 63 50.35
Sarah Metzendorf Machine Aquatics 1 5 18 54.11
Brenna Levitan-Garr Machine Aquatics 6 1   NS
Lily Flint Machine Aquatics 9 5   NS
Caroline Flint Machine Aquatics 5 6   NS
Lillie Saba York Swim Club of Northern Vir 1 2   NS
Mina Saba York Swim Club of Northern Vir 4 2   NS
Genevieve Schmidt York Swim Club of Northern Vir 3 4   NS
Mary Horner York Swim Club of Northern Vir 1 3   NS
Caledonia Hamilton York Swim Club of Northern Vir 3 2   NS
Baylie Delean Machine Aquatics 3 6   NS
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