Lane Swimmer Team Place Time
2 Andrew Quattromani Bay and Ocean State Squids 7 7:53.17
(1:51.97  3:54.93  5:56.81  7:53.17)
3 Christopher Leblanc Bay and Ocean State Squids 5 7:19.09
(1:42.27  3:37.31  5:31.78  7:19.09)
4 Samuel Spurrell Bay and Ocean State Squids 2 6:40.09
(1:32.10  3:14.78  5:00.14  6:40.09)
5 Andre Silva Bay and Ocean State Squids 3 7:12.66
(1:37.66  3:29.58  5:22.94  7:12.66)
6 Eric Alspaugh Bay and Ocean State Squids 4 7:18.35
(1:46.94  3:40.52  5:32.06  7:18.35)
7 Armann Tandon Bay and Ocean State Squids 6 7:44.19
(1:47.18  3:43.15  5:45.04  7:44.19)
8 Peter Quattromani Bay and Ocean State Squids 1 5:57.28
(1:22.87  2:53.99  4:27.14  5:57.28)