Laura fuchs All Swims  Best Times  Teams
Born 1993
Last Meet of the Year
Event  Date Heat Lane Time
50yd Freestyle 12/16/2006 2 4 31.22
100yd Freestyle 12/16/2006 4 6 1:08.55
200yd Freestyle 12/16/2006 3 5 2:25.60
500yd Freestyle 12/16/2006 1 6 6:41.74
100yd Backstroke 12/16/2006 4 2 1:11.99
200yd Backstroke 12/16/2006 3 6 2:40.75
200yd Individual Medley 12/16/2006 3 3 2:43.13
400yd Individual Medley 12/16/2006 1 3 5:54.12